Official Website for Calgary Heritage Maverick EDA

An Electoral District Association (EDA) is a group of Maverick Party members organizing at the individual riding level to put forth a candidate and fund their campaign for next election.

The conduit for Calgary Heritage

Electing a Maverick MP is the best way to get what is best for Calgary Heritage. True Representation.

What your donation supports:

  • Buying ads to get the Maverick message out
  • Buying road and lawn signs
  • Paying for the technology to run a modern, data-focused campaign

Meet Dan Irving

  • Small business owner
  • Strong connections to Calgary Heritage
  • Embodies the true meaning of grassroots and True Representation
  • Dan ran for Maverick in Calgary Heritage in the 2022 By-Election

“People keep saying we want change, but we keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting somebody else to do the change.”

Dan Irving

2022 By-election Candidate

Help Calgary Heritage

If you have a Maverick membership and live in Calgary, you can join our EDA!